Our Work

Bitcoin Beach works to create a sustainable Bitcoin Economic ecosystem on the coast of El Salvador. The majority of people in the region do not have access to bank accounts and the local businesses do not qualify for merchant accounts needed for successful transactions.  The adoption of Bitcoin serves to provide people with financial access to improve their lives and the health of the community.

Circular Economies

Bitcoin adoption has spread rapidly in other parts of the world. Just as there is much to learn from the growth of Bitcoin Beach in El Zonte, we are all learning together how best to create circular economies in a variety of contexts. Here’s a few of our friends doing great work around the world…
Bitcoin Ekasi
Bitcoin Jungle
Bitcoin Lake
Bitcoin Berlin
El Salvador
Praia Bitcoin
Citadel Of Hope
El Salvador
Bitcoin la Pirraya
El Salvador
Federation of Bitcoin Circular Economies
El Salvador


We support a variety of programs that leverage the adoption of Bitcoin to provide communities with valuable resources and training. Together, Bitcoin and the following efforts bring value to change and aim for long term impact.
✓ Bitcoin Education
✓ English and Business Training
✓ Surf Para Todos
✓ Fellowship Program (El Zonte)
✓ Global Advising (Supporting Circular Economies)
✓ Bitcoin Events and Conferences
✓ Spiritual Formation
